Sunday, May 17, 2009

A new chapter..

I have achieved one of my most important goals... a goal I first visualised after watching Jamie's free wealth creation DVD.

I am no longer a slave to a Full Time J.O.B. (Just Over Broke)

As of 5PM on Friday the 8th of May 2009 I stopped being an "employee" and started my new journey being in business for myself. Now I can already hear the nay sayers: "ooh, that’s risky, you are much more secure being employed for wages!".

Hmm.. sorry, I totally disagree! Last year I realised that people who are employed on wages are in fact also in business for themselves.. the only difference is they only have 1 product (themselves) and 1 client (their boss), who can kick them to the kerb at any time! Can you imagine starting a company that relies on selling a single product to a single client as their sole source of income? That’s crazy!

How am I better off now?

- I contract to 3 different companies in totally unrelated industries.. now that is security.

- I now earn 2 to 3 times more per hour than I did as an employee.. even higher when I leverage myself through marketing..

- I now have access to valuable tax minimisation strategies that are not available to employees..

- Most importantly I have gained freedom.. I no longer get told where to go and when to be there.. I structure my days as I see fit.. decide on a whim if I want to sleep in.. start earning my income first thing.. or go out and play..

I don’t say this to impress you.. but to impress UPON you that if this regular guy can do it.. anyone can do it. The secret to success is just 2 simple things:

This takes a fuzzy idea that doesn’t really exist yet and brings it into the physical universe where you can actually reach for it.

This is where most people fall down. I have been guilty of this myself. If you want something to happen you need to take action. Simple. No action = guaranteed no result. Keep trying different things until you get the result you desire.

Thomas Edison tried over 6,000 filaments before he got a working light bulb. It takes a determined man to keep going after failing 100 times.. or 500.. or 1000.. but I now realise Edison did not fail.. he simply found 6,000 ways NOT to make a light bulb.. and he kept taking action until he achieved the result he desired.

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