Sunday, May 17, 2009

A new chapter..

I have achieved one of my most important goals... a goal I first visualised after watching Jamie's free wealth creation DVD.

I am no longer a slave to a Full Time J.O.B. (Just Over Broke)

As of 5PM on Friday the 8th of May 2009 I stopped being an "employee" and started my new journey being in business for myself. Now I can already hear the nay sayers: "ooh, that’s risky, you are much more secure being employed for wages!".

Hmm.. sorry, I totally disagree! Last year I realised that people who are employed on wages are in fact also in business for themselves.. the only difference is they only have 1 product (themselves) and 1 client (their boss), who can kick them to the kerb at any time! Can you imagine starting a company that relies on selling a single product to a single client as their sole source of income? That’s crazy!

How am I better off now?

- I contract to 3 different companies in totally unrelated industries.. now that is security.

- I now earn 2 to 3 times more per hour than I did as an employee.. even higher when I leverage myself through marketing..

- I now have access to valuable tax minimisation strategies that are not available to employees..

- Most importantly I have gained freedom.. I no longer get told where to go and when to be there.. I structure my days as I see fit.. decide on a whim if I want to sleep in.. start earning my income first thing.. or go out and play..

I don’t say this to impress you.. but to impress UPON you that if this regular guy can do it.. anyone can do it. The secret to success is just 2 simple things:

This takes a fuzzy idea that doesn’t really exist yet and brings it into the physical universe where you can actually reach for it.

This is where most people fall down. I have been guilty of this myself. If you want something to happen you need to take action. Simple. No action = guaranteed no result. Keep trying different things until you get the result you desire.

Thomas Edison tried over 6,000 filaments before he got a working light bulb. It takes a determined man to keep going after failing 100 times.. or 500.. or 1000.. but I now realise Edison did not fail.. he simply found 6,000 ways NOT to make a light bulb.. and he kept taking action until he achieved the result he desired.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A paradigm shift..

Only a small percentage of people are aware of the paradigm shift occurring within our society. Those who are aware of it can position themselves to profit from it.. while the majority will be left by the wayside.

For the first half of last century, society told us that the key to success was to do well at school, find a big company that would be around forever, start in the mail room, and spend the next 40 years working your way up the corporate ladder. This was truely the slow road to success as it relied on people above you moving on to make room for you to move to a higher station.

Later in the 20th Century, there was a stronger push for students to continue their education after high school.. go onto University.. get a degree.. so you could start in a position higher than the mail room, and move up the ladder more quickly.

Around the same time there was a move away from the traditional "work for one company your whole life" motto, and workers realised that it was much faster to "jump ship" to a competitors company to move up the ladder than waiting for your boss to retire.

Since the late 90's and early 21st Century, there is an emerging breed of successful people who are rapidly becoming wealthy, often without any University degrees or spending decades working for one or multiple companies. These people are seeking rapid education in the area of success and wealth creation.